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Royal Blue
Royal Blue


Royal Blue refers to pure blue or blue with a slight violet tint,which is one of Guild Gem Laboratories top ratings of bluecolor and is part of Vivid Blue, Vivid to Intense Blue, and Vivid toDeep Blue.Only some sapphires in Vivid Blue, Vivid to Intense Blue, and Vivid to Deep Blue with saturation and brightness of certain cri-teria can reach the rating of Royal Blue. In the Guild color gradingsystem of sapphire, all sapphires that meet the previous conditions, irrespective of the geographical origin, can be graded asRoyal Blue.

Development History

GUILD Gem Laboratory has been always focusing on the inspection of colored gemstones, especially on the enhancement, treatments, color grading and origin research of emeralds, rubies and sapphires.


Currently, there is no unified color grading standard for sapphires in the international industry. Each major laboratory has its own color grading system which is constantly being improved and updated. GUILD Gem Laboratory has conducted research on sapphires for decades. By comprehensively considering diverse manifestations such as origin, color and clarity, it has given the commercial name of "Royal Blue" to sapphires that meet the highest rating. It is part of the Vivid Blue and Deep Blue in the GUILD sapphire color grading system. Based on its consistent rigorous attitude and respect for high-quality colored gemstones, in the GUILD sapphire color grading system, "Royal Blue" is not limited by origin. Any sapphire with high saturation and appropriate brightness has the possibility of obtaining the top evaluation of "Royal Blue".


The commercial name of "Royal Blue" has been accepted and appreciated by end consumers all over the world and has already become a global standard. Almost all international gem laboratories recognize and use "Royal Blue" to describe the color of top-grade sapphires.

Grading System

Sapphire is a kind of corundum with blue as the main hue, often accompanied by purple or green hues.In the GUILD color grading system, the colors of sapphires are classified into five grades: Light, Medium, Intense, Vivid, and Deep.

In the Guild color gradingsystem of sapphire, all sapphires that meet the previous conditions, irrespective of the geographical origin, can be graded asRoyal Blue.

Address:Room 3C08, Addcon Building, Shuibei 1st Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
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